I think for every blog, theres always a need for that mandatory new year's post. Nothing lasts forever and it seems nice to simply, reminisce. Countless people, phones, updates and selfies maybe telling me its January first, but in reality I never feel like it's any different, It's just like any other day.
I always feel more thankful as the year comes to an end, and a new year beings. It gives me the opportunity to remember the best moments in 2015 as well as remembering vague memories of heartache and stupid thoughts. But honestly, I suppose that by growing older each and every year I'm supposedly more wiser, I dare even say more mature. I struggled on this thought, considering how much less I felt that I grew this year as a person. Doing what I hate, learning what I disliked. Basically following through with my horrible life choices and receiving the consequences of my actions accordingly.
2015 has been a year of mixed emotions, a year of comfort. I'll leave it at that.
Hopefully 2016 brings much needed change and exhilarating plans.
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